শুক্রবার, ১৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Israeli Troops Moving Toward Gaza: What’s Next?

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Troops joining me now are KT McFarland she's held national security posts -- presidents Ford Nixon Reagan.

-- good to have you with -- society.

What is your judgment about what will be happening now between Israel.


And in the region.

What I actually think that's gonna happen Israel's gonna decide this is -- make my day mom and they're gonna go and pick up the missile batteries.

It and the Gaza Strip and potentially in the north and Hezbollah.

They're gonna assassinated spanning.

Muslim Brotherhood.


Now Hamas fears is they can MM up with him into a position if they may decide they want to make a preemptive military strike against Iran's nuclear.

Sites it it really does really inhibit -- ability to retaliate by taking apple business so that's one direction of -- The other direction is the Muslim Brotherhood president Morrissey of Egypt is going tomorrow.

To -- to the Gaza Strip to Hamas now he may be going because he wants to try to broker a ceasefire he also may be going because he's gonna say.

Of the Muslim but his brother's in the Muslim Brotherhood if you guys have a war against Israel were again.

And it if you were to say that in the Gaza Strip and the Israelis engaged in conflict ridden he would be.

We're very foolish.

And a and and one would think -- of his well being.

What's the problem that that -- of -- has.

He's a Muslim Brotherhood we look at and we say well you know -- got rid of a dictator -- was pro American and now we have an elected Muslim Brotherhood.

Leader whose anti American but on the other hand there even more extreme people in -- so if there's a fight between Israel and Egypt.

But they're between Israel and its neighbors Gaza what are you gotta watch Egypt because that's what's kept the peace for forty years is that peace agreement.

Between Israel and Egypt about fabricated or Egypt decides it's gonna join some kind of a fight.

And the whole region goes -- the whole region goes up the Muslim brother.

The crates and complexities for Netanyahu -- the Israelis and and but.

In fact.

Militarily this would be an utterly.

It would seem to me -- pleased to be a very foolish and reckless thing for the Muslim Brotherhood weather in the personal Morrissey.

Or -- brought her movement within the Arab region isn't too good to confront Israel.

Yeah this is a war that can't women just another air Australia -- you're absolutely right that doesn't necessarily mean they don't start it and and.

And talking with Ron Kristi and -- her -- The idea that Obama is not supportive of Israel.

That test would be passed almost immediately because.

Americans would not stand for.

Anything that would threaten the existence of Israel so -- and certainly.

The Arab leaders in the Muslim leaders.

Understand that the United States would back -- a formal peace treaty with Israel but we certainly have a long history of supporting him inherent in any conflict and that are in the world.

I think you're absolutely right if there's another Arab Israeli war where it's the egyptians and Syrians.

In the Lebanese and everybody else against Israel Israel wins but.

What happens to those other countries and -- what's your motivation.

Arab countries those Arab Spring countries baseball just gotten rid of their leaders and they are now an even worse economic condition and they work.

They're gonna all be looking for scapegoats of why are we in such bad shape economically why do we still have -- jobs -- Netscape Lotus.


Israel and from the fact is that we are looking for some leadership now from this country.

And premier and in the region it's it's not been forthcoming for wanna pivot if I may two tomorrow deter us from our -- compliment you.

Are you were among the very first suspect that David Petraeus.

May be looking for the opportunity to -- His side of the story in turns you have been exactly right and I want to give you credit for the bank here.

And -- ask you what you think we will see you more.

I think well first off behind closed store that's supposed to be in Rasmussen now we'll -- within a few minutes as -- all -- get.

Petraeus is gotten off -- left to lose at this point and so if you classic amount and say it was a terrorist attack we knew from the beginning.

-- whole thing about.

That video of YouTube and it was a demonstration that was just a fairy -- he wants to can say that.

He blows this administration out of the water.

And I think that is part of a much bigger story it's just been -- that's a symptom that's not because.

That cause is have we -- screw up in the Middle East we have toppled dictator after dictator what do we -- in -- these dictators.

Anti American governments and so are we doing the right thing is is Libya just one of many things we've done wrong in that region.

Do you find an interest thing that we have a few.

Representatives in the house a few senators that in the senate who seem to think that the American people should be.

Endlessly patient.

And to wait.

A few bread crumbs being dropped from the very fancy table of our senate and house that we will be permitted to consume that is.

We don't need to know will be told and -- on -- This is starting to look like a very un American.

System of government right now and then the people seem to be last.

And the -- seem to be first.

What this is gonna happen Iranian Petraeus I don't think it's gonna testify about.

The -- and all that he's gonna go -- there is gonna wanna talk blog I'm gonna shock your I could care less well if there.

That's what everybody's paid attention now blue now I think what what I think you're right about it at the end of the day if this if the congress thinks that this got a hot one on their hands are things going to be another Watergate.

You don't.

Themselves they have opened hearings and -- subpoena left right center out of the administration we'll just sort through the best of motivations.

It is not a very well --

Source: http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/1972123627001/israeli-troops-moving-toward-gaza-whats-next/

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