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Web Business is Made Easy | ABC Article Directory

Web business

Web business started flourishing proportionally with internet evolution. Small to large business scales started using the website to present themselves online and extending their services beyond the geographical limits. It is good news that the small to medium service providers like electricians, plumbers, carpenters are offering their products and services online. This is a great and productive move finally benefiting the end user by providing great range of products and services.

This evolution of websites and e-commerce websites has made the quantum leaps in the sales volumes. Evidently, lots of venture capital has been invested for R & D for new products of web services.

Ready to use web business

Understanding the demanding volume of the web services, several websites are now offering ready-to-use web services for many web business aspirants to initiate online business through their services.

Reselling web business

Now the web developers and designers can offer the domain names as well as hosting services through reseller web hosting, to the customers who are looking to initiate their online business. They started offering their services with their own brands to the web hosts, digital marketing specialists, software developers and web-startups. They generate the profits from the business by means of multiple sales of the web products and services.

Let us have a glimpse on the products and services of the reseller sites.

1. Domain Names: the business aspirants through web can choose various domain names for suitable to their business for best possible rates. The domain names can also be chosen to catch the attention of the internet users of the same country.

2. Website builder: this is ready to use web building product. Using this, you can design your own website using many of the web building tools and thousands of templates. You can make personal, classic and professional websites using these web builder tools.

3. Web hosting: web hosting has huge and unique sets of the service packages that can further be tailored to the needs of the hosting customers. The hosting plans are many and have to be chosen according to the nature of the business, number of features looking for and privacy levels demands. These hosting services can be?

a. Domain Hosting ? This is like shared hosting, where in multiple websites are stored in a common server. This hosting can be preferred if you are looking for an economical web hosting with compromised small set of features. It is the basic hosting provided for especially beginners starting their online business.

b. Multiple Domain Hosting ? medium to larger organizations may require multiple domain hosting. This hosting is recommended for more than services they are offering or more than one locations of the business they are running.

c. Reseller hosting ? if you are planning to provide web hosting to the individuals and small business owners, you can take reseller hosting and further can provide the domains to your web hosting customers.

4. SSL digital certificates: digital security certificates are almost needed for any website to protect the web data as well as the customer data. For e-commerce websites it is almost mandatory.



Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com


Posted on 2013-02-09, By: Jane Neal *

* Click on the author's name to view their profile and articles!!!

Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Jane Neal

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Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/Article/Web-Business-is-Made-Easy/1809126

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