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Restaurant Marketing, Direct response v's Institutional | Restaurant ...

What style of restaurant marketing you ought to utilize for your restaurant or cafe?
What style of marketing (Institutional vs. direct response) is the best for a venue that is trying to:

1. Establish it?s image?
2. Get more customers to dine?

No points for speculating the exact answer. Brand marketing won?t necessarily be a magnet for inquiries from prospective restaurant customers in the second case; while direct response marketing could not work in the first. Thus the correct preference for the first is institutional marketing and that for the second is direct marketing.
The main issue with direct response marketing is that because of some bad practices adopted by some companies in the previous years it has acquired a bad name for itself, although during the recent two decades direct restaurant marketing has come to make up for about 54 per cent of total advertising outlays. As well, more than 270 of the Fortune 500 firms are at the present members of The Direct Marketing Association.

Direct Response Restaurant Marketing vs. Institutional Marketing
Direct response marketing makes the consumer to make a response. It requires for an action. It advises the reader to do something, why to do it, how to do it, and when to do it.
In this specific instance, a standard restaurant marketing direct response campaign is driven by? one purpose:

Either to make the customer to buy something ie. get them to turn up to your restaurant or cafe, ask for extra information like a restaurant information pack, or complete some other action. But a call to action is continually implied and is an important part of this sort of a campaign.

Typically, the main parts of a direct response ad for your restaurant or caf? are:

1. A headline that seeks to catch the potential restaurant patron?s attention.
2. A copy that looks to build quick rapport with the potential customer.
3. A listing of benefits in your advertisement; and finally,
4. A call for the reader to do something like to go to your website.

Fascinatingly, notwithstanding its stained name, direct response ads are the only restaurant marketing campaigns that are track able and this is imperative to your restaurant marketing plan.
Institutional (Brand) marketing in comparison ensures no call to action; it does not inform the consumer?s what to do, how or why to do it. Generally known as ?image? advertising, its goal is just to reinstate the great image of the company. The company already has a high recall positioning in the minds of its potential customers. Brand marketing simply re-establishes that positioning.
By this reason, since image restaurant marketing/advertising, involves less amount of persuasion and effort (don?t forget, it?s already a big brand), the media delivery for this style of branding is often TV and outdoor billboards; whereas for direct response marketing, direct mail and print ads are more fitting.

The dilemma with image marketing nevertheless is that it has no accountability. This is because; its aim is frequently to be catchy, or clever, for the purpose of entertaining the potential customer, and not to get them to take a precise action eg. To be a guest in your restaurant or cafe. So it?s outcome or effectiveness cannot be reliably measured in fixed terms.

However, big businesses quite often go for institutional advertising, or what is also known as ?big brand advertising? while the smaller businesses are only able to pay for direct response restaurant marketing not just because its more cost efficient but also as it serves their aim better. They have to first develop their business brand and then replace it in the minds of their potential customers.
For further information on how to boost your restaurant income click on the following restaurant marketing link: restaurant marketing

Source: http://restaurantmanagementcenter.com/restaurant-management-blog/2012/10/24/restaurant-marketing-direct-response-vs-institutional/

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