শনিবার, ২০ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

WebRTC Conference and Expo, San Francisco, November 27-29 ...

WebRTC is starting to get a lot of press and interest.?Essentially with WebRTC, your browser becomes your communications client, with the visual experience defined from a?server through the HTML/HTML5 browser function and the real-time transmission and receipt of media streams through the WebRTC media engine built into the browser.?With WebRTC, two users with their browsers connected to the same server can have a real-time voice or video session established with the server controlling the actual communications.?And this can be done with about 40 lines of JavaScript programming.

The potential of WebRTC is staggering.?It moves the control and establishment of communications from the 6,000 SIP developers in the world to the 10-20 million JavaScript developers.?It changes communications in the same way the browser changed information and created the 100 million websites that exist today.?And it could totally disrupt the telecommunications industry as now each of those web sites can, in essence, become a carrier for anyone connected to the site.

The event will have both Technical and Business/Applications tracks and will deliver the knowledge and vision needed to understand how WebRTC can impact you, your company, your industry, and the world. WebRTC promises to change the way we all communicate; come to this event and find out if it is true.

Go to the conference website for more info about the event.

For readers of UCStrategies, TMC is offering a 30 percent?discount if you register by the end of October.?Use the offer code SFUCSTRAT to get this special registration rate.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Source: http://www.ucstrategies.com/unified-communications-strategies-views/webrtc-conference-and-expo-san-francisco-november-27-29-2012.aspx

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